Thanks to you, over 50,000 DL! ! !nn"If a beautiful woman tries to marry," "Im rejected today," etc.nnA series of popular original works!nn✿> ‿ <) ノ ٩ (ω) و
お陰様で5万DL突破!!!『美人が婚活してみたら』『今日も拒まれてます』など大人気のオリジナル作品を連載中!「Vコミ」は、毎日更新される漫画を縦スクロールで読めるアプリです。オリジナル連載が大好評!新婚夫婦のシリアスな悩みを描いた『今日も拒まれてます』田中圭・中村倫也主演で映画化された『美人が婚活してみたら』行き場のない中学生の苦しみや不安を描く『不登校ガール』浮気との戦いがノンストップで続く『夫婦とはなんぞや?』大人たちに翻弄されながらも強く生きる少女たちを描く『ワスレナグサ』などなど幅広いラインナップの漫画が、スマホにぴったりの縦スクロールで読める「Vコミ」を、ぜひお楽しみください。Thanks to you, over 50,000 DL! ! !"If a beautiful woman tries to marry," "Im rejected today," etc.A series of popular original works!"V Komi" is an application that allows you to read the daily updated comics by scrolling vertically.The original series is very popular!"Im rejected today" depicting serious problems of newlyweds"When a beautiful woman tries to marry", a movie starring Kei Tanaka and Rinya NakamuraRefusal school girl to draw the suffering and anxiety of junior high school students who have nowhere to goThe fight against cheating continues non-stop “What is a couple? ]"Forget-me-nots" depicting girls who live strongly while being swayed by adultsetcPlease enjoy "V Komi", which allows you to read a wide range of comics with vertical scrolling that is perfect for smartphones.・プラグインの調整・サーバの調整